United Nations Conventions on the Rights of the Child (CRC) is a universally agreed set of non-negotiable standards and obligations. It is the first legally binding internationally instrument to incorporate the full range of human rights.
At Pelican, we view children as worthy individuals, and respect their rights and opinions. The emphasis on being child-centric is thereby translated to how the curriculum is planned and delivered, and how the service is operated as a whole.
For a copy of the simplified version of the CRC by Unicef, please click on https://www.unicef.org.au/Discover/What-we-do/Convention-on-the-Rights-of-the-Child/childfriendlycrc.aspx
For a copy of the child-friendly version of the CRC by Unicef, please click on http://www.unicef.org/rightsite/files/uncrcchilldfriendlylanguage.pdf